Avacal’s Order of the Silver Lute

Proud and Strong do Warriors ride when tales of might and great feats brave them into battle. Those who come before, pass, knowing that their deeds shall be forever known to the Children of Avacal. The People’s hearts are moved by those amongst us who, by story, song or dance, call us to greatness, hearten us through grief and rouse us in the celebration of victory. These Gentles, these bards, cause a Royal’s name and deeds to be remembered, they immortalize Avacal’s name and they honour Our people’s works. And so, these Bards should be remembered. One amongst them has found their place in the hears of Our people. May We witness their talents forever in Odin’s great hall. Let ____________________ be heralded as the newest member of the Order of the Silver Lute. To this We ____________, Prince Avacal and ____________,Princess Avacal set Our hand and great seal, this ______day of (month) ____________, A.S. ________