The Domesday Bokes

The An Tir Domesday Bokes are an illuminated essay of An Tir up to our 40th anniversary as a Kingdom.

Teams from every branch in An Tir contributed their pages to the Boke and it was presented in Court to Their Royal Majesties at July Coronation A.S. XL (2005).

Thanks go to all the scribes, researchers, butlers, illuminators, wordsmiths, binders and helpers who made it happen.

photo courtesy of Alienor Sanz-Argent
Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea at work on a page for the Domesday Boke. In the end, there were roughly 800 pages from Scribes all across the Kingdom.
photo courtesy of Alienor Sanz-Argent

Each illustration and piece of text was carefully researched and planned to become part of a pleasing whole.
After extensive testing, Arches 90 lb paper was chosen as the material for the pages.
Page size and spacing was determined and the dimensions made known to the scribes at each branch.
(see diagram below)

photo courtesy of Alienor Sanz-Argent

When the calligraphers and illuminators had finished their work, the An Tir College of Book Arts bound the completed pages together using medieval materials and techniques. Here is Aelana Cordovera working on the page we just saw being painted.

photo courtesy of Alienor Sanz-Argent

The Books have been stitched together with linen threads onto alum-tawed goatskin strips. The strips of leather are fastened onto hand-shaped oak boards. The spines are covered with more of the goatskin, and glued with a medieval type glue of boiled flour and water.

photo courtesy of Marcus Tullius Calvus

On the 16th day of July, A.S. XL (2005) at An Tir’s July Coronation,
The Grete Bokes were presented to Their Majesties Skeggi and Taisiia.

photo courtesy of Marcus Tullius Calvus

The books are the property of the Kingdom and were meant to be put on display for the enjoyment of the populace.
(All must wear gloves when handling the pages)

We are happy to bring the books to Kingdom events so that all may see and enjoy our illuminated history. To arrange for the Bokes at a Kingdom event, contact Sable Sable.

The Materials used in the 40 Year Domesday Bokes

M. Graham & Co. Artists’ Gouache:
sap green, viridian, ultramarine blue, cadmium red light, cadmium red, quinacridone voilet (spectrum), cadmium orange, gamboge, cadmium yellow, raw sienna, zinc white, titanium white, raw umber, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, raw sienna, burnt umber, raw umber

Windsor & Newton Designers Gouache:
lemon yellow, cadmium lemon, primary yellow, cadmium primrose, cadmium yellow pale, spectrum yellow, brilliant yellow, permanent yellow deep, golden yellow, cadmium yellow deep, marigold yellow, cadmium orange, orange lake deep, scarlet lake, cadmium red pale, grenadine, spectrum red, cadmium red deep, brilliant red/violet, brilliant violet, light purple, cerulean blue, turquoise blue, peacock blue, primary blue, cobalt pale hue, sky blue, cobalt blue, intense blue, azure blue, ultramarine, ultramarine deep, windsor blue, indigo, prussian blue, sap green, oxide of chromium, mistletoe green, forest green, viridian, windsor green, viridian lake, cyprus green, naples yellow, yellow ochre, raw sienna, gold ochre, chinese orange, venetian red, red ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber, vandyke brown, sepia, raw umber, neutral grey no. 3, ivory black, lamp black, jet black, gold (imitation), silver (imitation), permanent white, zinc white

for white work:
permanent white

for mixers:
ivory black, zinc white

heraldic colours:
cadmium yellow pale, cobalt blue, mistletoe green

period colours:
cadmium yellow pale, cadmium red pale (substitute for red lead), grenadine (substitute for vermilion), ultramarine, indigo, sap green, oxide of chromium, naples yellow, yellow ochre, raw sienna, gold ochre, venetian red, red ochre, burnt sienna, burnt umber, raw umber, ivory black, lamp black, gold (imitation), silver (imitation)

Calli jet black India, Rotring opaque black, Higgins Eternal, black Sumi stick ink (artists’ grade), Sumi professional grade ink (liquid)

For line work and detailing:
Pigma Micron, Zig Millenium

Gold Applications:
Gum Ammoniac, glair, Old World Art Gold Leaf Adhesive Size, real gold, composition gold, Windsor-Newton gold gouache in the jar, Sumi light gold (in dish), Sumi silver (in dish)

The Butlers and Scribes Who Contributed to the 40 Year Bokes:

AN TIR KINGDOM Volume and Section:

Aelana Cordovera, Alexsander of Mausheim, Alienor Sanz-Argent, Brennan O’Loughran, Elizabeth Dougall, Eric of Clan Smith, Mairin Aniar, Sarah Lynn Preston, Tuirrean ni Chaoiltedal gCais, Tamlyn of Wyntersea, Evrard de Valogne, Tvorimir Danilov, Marion von Rapp, Sister Guineth the White, Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Damietta d’Carnivalle, Lea Rush, Leah bat Yehiel, Titus Antonius Archeleus, Aron the Sinister, Mirien la Tejedora

PRINCIPALITY Volume: Aelana Cordovera, Alienor Sanz-Argent, Eric of Clan Smith, Mairin Aniar, Tamlyn of Wyntersea, Aron the Sinister, Mirien la Tejedora, Marion von Rapp

SUMMITS Principality Section: Keterlin von dem Drachen, Verena Laurelin, Aelfric Thorfastson, Altankhulan (Qulan), Ansetrude Hrodbertsdohtor, Felicia of the TrueLayne Kathlin in Starratha, Karis Jessica Pursey, Matheus Bane, Monique De Toulo, Raven Qara ton, Shanobi Ravenclaw, Sharon the Merchants Wife, Steven the Merchant

AVACAL PRINCIPALITY Section: Sadb ingen Thuathail, Finn O’Neill, Inga the Unfettered, Serena Catalina Arias, Stein Vikingsson

TIR RIGH PRINCIPALITY Section: Brenethwyn O’Connluin, Meresigha Stonegetta, Seiglynda Thyrisdotter of Elphinstone, Thora Golvik

ADIANTUM: Charlotte le Pataiere, Morrghan O’Siodhachain, Nikoli the Bear, Paynel de la Linde, Raina O’Raghailligh, Sven Stronglung, Tadhg O’Murchadha the Wanderer

AKORNEBIR: Hrafn Shieldbiter, Brynna Hrafnsdottir

AMBERGARD: Triona de Mere, Bronwen Elgars, Olivia Visconti

AQUATERRA: Bashira bint Badri, Saige Hawkstone, Ilonwynn the Madd, Catherine de la Rose, Shanara Saigesdottor, Fionguala Friseil, Catirona Russell

BEARWOOD: Fiacha Mac Neill, Aela Llorchan, George Frank MacKenzie, Robin of Thornwood, Sigrid Briansdottir

BLATHA AN OIR: Elizabeth Fitzwilliam of Carlisle, Ambriel Svensdottir, Eithne Inghean ui Breifne, Joneta inghean Feradaigh, Mabel de Wymburn

BOREALIS: Coryn of the Woods, Ann Fawkes, Athelstan at Cardeol, Bronwyn the Mischievous, Galeana Nicoletti, Joan the Just of Lismore Isle, John Fawkes,Kintair of Hawkehaven

BRIAR OAK: Aodhan niUallachain, Lonergan Flynn O’Flaherty, Sibhion niUallachain, and Glyn Dwfn Scribes

CAE MOR: Cinara beguy Urdina, Titus Valerius Romanus, Theodora

COEUR DU VAL: Sofia Macriam della Tempesta, Berek von Longental, Liesel von Longental, Nadezhda Volynskaiia, Delight of Coeur du Val, Arwen of Coeur du Val, Lucius Coeur fu Feu, Lydia if Blonde, Christopher of Coeur du Val, Maevean Sionnach donn, Aleksandra Rose, Petronella de Laci

COLD KEEP: Tatiana the Outspoken, Brigit inghen Meic Thire Ruadh, Brynach ap Rhys, Khudukha, Markus Pheilsmid, Natal’ia Volkovicha Corvaria Duana Traherne, Arnelfr Thingkona, Ignia il Nomade, Sayyid Khalil Subhi

CRAGMERE: Meredith of the White Cliffs, Anicia Diodora Angelis, Asa Martel, Charles le Verdier, Halima al-Rakkasa, Isadora Murillo, Kjartan Kraka, Kyree, Morel Laurens, Rhys ap Daffyd, Zoe Soulcatcher

CRANEHAVEN: Toyama no Kushuhito, Christina Van Brant

CRICKSTOW-ON-SEA: James Llewellyn ap Gruffydd, Flaming Katie, Glynis Fawr, Lenora di Calizzan, Megwyneth Llewellyn, Theocharista Irene Doukaina, Uilliam mac Aillen vhic Seamus

DANESCOMBE: Aileen O’Seaghda, Cate the Courageous, Mederi merc teran, Sevrin de Savage, Una Olafsdottir, Yrsa Kettilsdottir

DRAGONS LAIRE: Renart the Fox, Alis inghean Ruaidhri, Arontius of Bygleswade, Eileen in Luch, Lix Xian, Mad Malcolm, Margret Elwold, Mariette Devienne, Murakami Tsuruko, Nickolas de Charme, Victrina Devienne

DRAGONS MIST: Alexandria Delassene Kourkouaina, Jason the Voracious, Appoline d’Avignon, Carith de Cuevas, Ciaran Clauna Ferta, Francesca Testarossa de Martini, Galen atte Blakstar, Gilia de Ronda, Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleoir, Oriana of Myrtlewood, Tegan of Conwy, Tevenette de Charolais, Zenobia Naphtali

DREGATE: Osorgarew the Dredful of Qaraqorum, Evrard de Valogne, Tamlyn of Wyntersea, Toyama no Katsuhito, Tuirrean ni Chaoiltedal gCais

DRUIM DOINEAN: Branwen, Beatrix Powson of Ravenstonedale, Bethel Allen, Mary Webb, Roland Shutts, Sonja DuBois, Suzanne de l’Ouest

DUN AN CHALAIDH: Mealla an Duna, Alexander Cedricson of Glynnendale, Alida susa Yasamin of Jasmine Haven, Brigid daughter of Keen, Daffyd McKeen, Kenith Solis

EARNROKKE:Johannes Von Margarten, Donwenna La Mareschale

EISENMARCHE: Kaos Tendeath, Alexander Ivor, Caius, Drusus Marcellnus, Elizabeth Dougall, Elphin O Flaithbheartaigh, Eric of Clan Smith, Katherina Laudonia Maria della Fiore (Kate)?, Mya, Sarah Lynn Preston, Seiglynda Thyrisdotter of Elphinstone, Tannara

FALSE ISLE: Alicia le Wilfulle, Aline de Bruges, Calindra de Silva, Owyn of Clan Frog, Stephen of Hunmanby

FIRE MOUNTAIN KEEP: Meheldis von Fulda, Elsa Haakonsdotter, Fionnghuala inghean mhic Oitir, Saji the Gypsy, Vareda von Rosenwald

FROZEN MOUNTAIN: Siobhan the Wanderer, Mags of Haphazard Manor, Noella della Montagne, Paulo Giovanni Francesco Lisanti, Marie de Monte, Evangelina du Lac

GLYMM MERE: Rhonwen Wynterbourne, Aelisia of Cambrewell, Elonda of Bluehaven, Serena Lyons

GLYN DWFN: Keterlin von dem Drachen, Glendora atte Will, Alaric Greybeard, Verena Laurelin, Fionnuala of Anglesey

GRIMWITHSHIRE: Arnora Grimsdottir (Butler), Anne Claxton, Rioghnach, Symmonne Deccarrette de Villette

HARTWOOD: Lora, Eideard of Oronsay, Cyneburh, Mogg

INSULA MAGNA: Uilliam mac Aillen vhic Seamus, Anicia Diodora Angelis, Asa Martel, Charles le Verdier, Halima al-Rakkasa, Isadora Murillo, Meredith of the White Cliffs, Zoe Soulcatcher

KRAKENFJORD: Rhonwen of Rhyl, Hengest the Saxon, Dragana

LIONS GATE: Alienor Sanz-Argent, Fiona the Archer, Aislinn Fiona of Rumm, Aurora Argentious, Briony Gwenhwyfar of Rumm, Celeste de Montagne, Cushag an Ellen Vannin, Eidanna Bebhinn of Rumm, Eriu of Tlachtga, Harold Devin of Waltham, Lasairiona Inghen Uilliam na Seoltadh, Lilya de Gascony, Miles fitz Hubert, Nikolai Andreeov, Padraigin O’Bhuadhiagh, Rodrigo de Cordova

LIONSDALE: Bridghid ni Liam, Giera inn Harfagra, Elena of Lionsdale, Elspeth Selwode of Wilton, Fenya the Limner, Genevieve de Clairvaux, Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter, Luther Magnus, Sofia Marika Traum von Trifels, Yrsa of Lionsdale

LYONSMARCHE: Milisandia verch Madoc, Aelena MacAoidh, Daedin MacAoidh, Freya Morgainasdoter, Gawyne Bjornson, Gisela Redihalgh, Morgaina atte Wodelonde, Sean O’Conner, Tomryis ed Arimapsi

MADRONE: Elisabetta Annisa Gabrielli, Anne-Marie d’Ailleurs, Ariel de Courtenay, Bergdis Thorgrimsdottir, Darienne de Navarre, Isadara Cozzanec, Richeldis de Haute Saone, Sean O’Conner, Ysabelot Clarisse

MIDHAVEN: Taradan banMarca, Angel MacBrighde, Heleiwis Thystelesworthe, Jann Kaupmaorsdottir, Sven inn Helte, Thorkel Haraldsson

MONTENGARDE: Jajiradai Batu, Caitlin ingen ui Dalaig, Gemma Meena of Cur Elmo’s Keep, Morgan the Unknown

MOUNTAIN EDGE: Brigit of Guernsey, Tamar the Serene, Aelfgifu Verch Morgan, Glen Garethson, Kathleen Allen, Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleoir, Tegan of Conwy

MYRGAN WOOD: Roxanne Delaroche, A’isha Rayhana al-Karim, Ameline la Joaliere, Anna of Rowanbury, Ave, Bastion Kane, Catriona McManus, Chikakukawa no Shunzei, Dianna, Ferghail MacIngill, Gareth Bydaweyr, Guillemin de Rouen, Hamish MacCarraig, Helene Charesse, Jorgen, Kate, Lina Joya of Granthum’s Keep, Melusine of Windhill Wood, Quintessa, Raoul Achille Delaroche, Siobhan (Ambrasia), Theres, Tricia of Myrgan Wood

MYRTLEHOLT: Aelfric Thorfastson, Ansetrude Hrodbertsdohtor, Caitrin Goatsbane, Felicia of the TrueLayne, Monique De Toulon, Sharon the Merchants Wife, Steven the Merchant

NORDHOLT: Isabeau de Loutre Argent, Daniel Ian McCloud

PENDALE: Montgomery Avenoush, Alane MacAunghais, Brian Spathasson, Bridget Woulfe, Cheri the Sly, Fredrick the Old, Gabriel Spathasson, Turloch Spathasson, Vanora Spathasson

RAMSGAARD: Elanor Wren, Duncan Darroch, Jeanne of Ramsgaard, Katrynka Chornovoloskaya, Melody Isenor

RATH AN OIR: Shawna Kerr of Devonshire

RAVENSLEY: Marina la Pica, Baldric Reynolds of Ravens Key, Elizabeth Chatfield, Zoran Dolmer of Dragonhead

RAVENSWEIR: Cerridwen Maelwedd, Erinn O’Keeley, Sigrid Arden, Serin Bislev, Davlin Falkirk

RHUDDGLYN: Emeric of Pevensey, Manyra Thorinsdottir

RIVER’S BEND: Anderwyn na Sionan, Thyra Fairfax, Eglantyne Merryweather, Katsunori Kazuko, Lyra of Ascalon, Oriana of Sparta, Togrul Guiscard, Turan of Ascalon

SEAGIRT: Brenethwyn O’Connluin, Katheleen, Megwyneth Llewellyn, Theocharista Irene Doukaina

SHITTEMWOODE: Saikhan Naranaimorin, Angela, Arien Ren Sima Gwalchmai, Godith d’Arcy of Goosefoot Mead, Khaidu Naranaimorin, Megan Althea of Glengariff, Meresigha Stonegetta, Rebekah inghean Giric

SIGELHUNDAS: Thomas de Monet, Cedric van Kiesterzijl, Gabrielle Darke

SILVERHART: Coinneach mac Dhomhnuill, Nuala Mac an tSaoi, Seamus Mac an tSaoi, Sorcha Mac an tSaoi, Yngvildr Ogurrsdottir

SOUTHMARCH: Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Ansetrude Hrodbertsdohtor, Brian Crossland of Bolton Abbey, Christine Mickay of Clan McKay, Felicia of the TrueLayn, Keterlin von dem Drachen, Sharon the Merchants Wife, Steven the Merchant, Tyrrell Figenbuam

ST BUNSTABLE: Eleanor Ashling, Genevieve de Bretagne, Mika Misthou, Rosalind Northwood, Ursula Georges

ST GILES: Ekatrina Borisnova Kievskaia, Aline Blackwood, Caesaria Beribua, Iago ap Adam, Isaewulf, Lewen Atlewode, Hazel

STROMGARD: Aedan mac Ernain, Alastar Kirkpatrick, Ciaran Clauna Ferta, Edelinne de Bayonne, Everild Beatty ili Agadir, Flouerana von Stroheim, Hroswitha aet Wudelaege, Isolda Throkmorton of Foxley, Jacques de l’Eau, Rognvaldr Hersir, Valdemar in Austrivik

TERRA POMARIA: Alainne de Lacy, Adrianne de LaMoure, Fionnghuala inghean Aoidh, Lucas Louckforde, Rhionnon de Clare

THREE MOUNTAINS: Leah bat Yehiel, Aedan mac Suibne, Aibinn ingen Senain hui Neill, Alexandria Delassene Kourkouaina, Appoline d’Avignon, Brennan O’Loughran, Carith de Cuevas, Eleanor de Sackville, Esugenas maqqas Moridaci avvi Cremutanni, Jill Blackhorse, Marguerite de Moseleia, Randal the Redowtable, Sister Guineth the White, Tekla Myszkowa, Titus Antonius Archeleus

TIR BANNOG: Betha of Dawlish, Cinara beguy Urdina, Eileen ingine dubh Luchag, Elora, Josephine Blackthorn, Linnet Kestrel, Marguerite, Tewl Gover orth Kernow

VINJAR:Sadb ingen Thuathail, Bronwyn, Finn O’Neill, Iomlan, Juhani O’Regan

VULKANFELDT: Aloise du Pont de Fosse, An Te Ruadh, Ealusaid ingen ruadui macfheachar, Fiona ni Chonchuir

WASTEKEEP: Hrafn Shieldbiter, Rowena Kyncaidd, Arthur Greene of Deerhurst, Mairghread of Wastekeep, Marcia of Jarrow Motte

WEALDSMERE: Abigail the Mad, Devon Wolflin, Gabriell MacBain, Guiliana Audaci, Gwenafri dun na Scaeth, Jhone MacLachlan, Kara Bjornsdottir, Kelta nic Sturrock, Mychael le Renard, Renata von Silverhart, Richenda du Jardin, Symmonne Deccarrette de Villette

WYEWOOD: Tvorimir Danilov, Alexsander of Mausheim, Celeste de la Houssaye, Eormenthryth the Northerne, Esclarmonde de Porcairages, Meryld Godewin of Kent, Nabila bint Selim, Tamlyn of Wyntersea

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