Commonly used scribal terms and their meanings
address : the required phrase on an award document, which names the intended audience, i.e., May all throughout the Kingdom know…
affirmation : the required phrase on an Achievement document, which affirms the name and arms of the recipient, i.e., I, Black Lion Herald, do attest that this document bears true arms
anthropomorphic initial : a decorated letter that begins a major division of text and is formed from the human figure
antiphonal : a large book containing the music and songs of the “Divine Office” and placed so that the entire choir can view it
An Tir College of Heralds, The : the organization in the Kingdom of An Tir whose members are responsible for Kingdom, Civic and Personal Book Heraldry, Court Heraldry and Field Heraldry and for maintaining the Order of Precedence of the Kingdom of An Tir
An Tir College of Scribes, The : the organization in the Kingdom of An Tir whose members are responsible for creating the hand-made records which document the awards, tokens and favors given to the populace by Their Royal Majesties An Tir
An Tir Domesday Bokes, The : the books created by the Scribes of An Tir in the 20th and 40th year of the Society, which contain calligraphed and illuminated pages documenting the state of the geographical branch holdings of the Kingdom of An Tir
An Tir Great Seal, The : a wax seal created by taking an impression from the Great Seal Matrix, and which is placed by Their Royal Majesties on documents of record
An Tir Great Seal Matrix, The : the Great Seal Matrix is a piece of bronze round stock, carved on the flat with the heraldic device of the Kingdom of An Tir. The current Great Seal Matrix was created by Ian Cnulle in A.S. XXXII, and is the third such matrix used by the Kingdom (the others having been lost)
An Tir Order Precedence, The : an on-line listing of all the awards that have been given to An Tirians and the Rank of Precedence of each individual based on the status, date and time of the award
An Tir Roll of Arms, The : an on-line database, which displays the registered heraldic devices of the populace of An Tir
An Tir Signet Ring, The : the Signet Ring is a small silver seal Matrix shaped in the form of a ring, carved on the flat top with the heraldic device of the Kingdom of An Tir. Wax impressions are made from this ring and are sometimes used by Their Royal Majesties in place of the An Tir Great Seal
argent : in heraldic terms, this is the metal “silver”. Scribes often use the color “white” to depict this heraldic metal
armigerous : a person or a document bearing heraldic arms
ascender : the upper part of a letter which extends above the top of other lower case letters, i.e., the upper part of the letters b, d, f, h, k, l, and t
Augmentation of Arms : additional charge on a heraldic device given as an honor by Their Royal Majesties
award charter : a document given by Their Royal Majesties to a recipient of an award, which records the particulars of the award. An Award Charter is different from an original Scroll in that the artistic design of the Charter is mass reproduced on quality paper and these reproductions are then given out to the College of Scribes to hand paint and otherwise illuminate
Award of Arms : the first level of armigerous award bestowed by The Crown or the Coronet (with the Crown’s permission) which entitles the recipient to display their registered heraldic device as arms
azure : in heraldic terms, this is the color “blue”
Baronial Scribe : the Branch Officer in a Barony who is on charge of the Scribal Activities of the Barony
benedictional : a book of prayers
bestiary : a book of stories and descriptions of diverse animals
bifolium : two pages formed from a single sheet folded down the middle
Black Lion Principal Herald, The : Black Lion Principal Herald is the Head of the An Tir College of Heralds. Black Lion signs and seals Heraldic Achievement Scrolls
Black Lion Seal, The : an approximately 2” diameter round wax seal impressed from the Black Lion Matrix. The image is of a Lion’s Head surmounting a pair of Herald’s Trumpets in saltire all on a checky field. The Heraldry for Known World Principal Heralds is tinctureless
Black Lion Signet, The : an approximately 1” diameter round version of the larger Black Lion Seal Matrix
blazon : the written description of a heraldic device. also see “emblazon”
boards : hardwood covers for manuscripts that are surrounded in soft leather to guard against humidity, dust and bookworms
book of hours : a small, normally illuminated book containing readings and prayers for use in private devotion
breviary : a book containing the public or canonical prayers for the canonical hours
calendar : a listing of the feast days and saints days found in many religious manuscripts
calligraphy : the art of decorative handwriting
capitalis : a majuscule script composed of all capital letters
carbon ink : ink colored black by using soot
carta ejecutoria : a form of letters patent used in late medieval Spain
catchword : a word written in the margin on the last page of a gathering, being the first word of the next gathering
charter : an award scroll made by photocopying a master design onto fine paper and then having the scroll painted and illuminated by a member of the college of scribes
Charter Master : an award scroll for a commonly given Kingdom award that has been created for mass production
codex : a book
College of Heralds : an organization whose members are responsible for Civic and Personal Book Heraldry, Court Heraldry and Field Heraldry and for maintaining an Order of Precedence
College of Scribes : an organization whose members are responsible for creating the hand-made records which document the awards, tokens and favors given to the populace
colophon : an inscription added to the end of a book, which might provide the names of the primary scribe and/or illustrator or the owner of the book or the person who commissioned it. The scribe might also include some arbitrary thoughts about the book that has just been completed
Contingency Deputy : the official deputy of an office who will step in and do the work of the office if the current officer is incapacitated in some way
Coronet Scribe : similar to Their Majesties’ Royal Scribe, this scribe is in personal service to the Principality Coronets
corroboration and date : the required phrase on an award document that gives the verification, validation and date for the award, i.e., …all this We do confirm by Our hand and seal this <day> of <month> anno societatis <year>
Court Scribe : similar to Their Majesties’ Royal Scribe and the Principality Coronet Scribes, this scribe is in personal service to the Landed Barons and Baronesses
descender : the lower part of a letter, which extends below the bottom of the other letters, i.e., the lower part of g, j, p, q and y
device : Personal Heraldic Arms
Dexter Gauntlet Herald, The : Dexter Gauntlet is the Deputy Herald in charge of recording awards in the An Tir Order of Precedence
diaper : a geometric pattern used as a background
diptych : two tablets hinged like a book
disposition : the required phrase on an award document that identifies the gift, i.e., do bestow upon [him/her/them] a <name of award or token>…
Domesday Boke : a book documenting the state of geographical holdings
dopping wax : wax normally used in the jewel setting trade, but also used in An Tir for the making of wax seals
dorso : the left hand page of an open book, or the reverse side of a page or document, often abbreviated as d
drollery : amusing or grotesque characters included in illustrated letters or margins of manuscripts
ductus : the order and direction in which the strokes that make up a letter are executed
edh : a character in the Old English alphabet that looks like a “d” with a crossing through the ascender and represents the sound th
emblazon : the graphic description of a heraldic device. also see “blazon”
evangelary : a book of readings or lessons for the mass
exemplar : a masterwork from which others are created, but also pieces that show off the abilities of a scribe
explicit : a heading indicating the end of a section of text
exultet roll : named for its opening word, the text on an exultet roll was divided into sections with illuminations upside down and interspersed in such a way that as the roll made its way over the ambo, the illuminations could be seen by the congregation
fish glue : an adhesive obtained from boiling the skin and bones of fish often used in gilding
florilegium : anthology, or collection of extracts from various works
foliate initial : a decorated letter that begins a major division of text incorporating floral design in the letter design or surroundings
folio : a single leaf or page of a manuscript; they are numbered with r (recto) for the front or right hand page and v (verso) for the back or left hand page
gathering : a bundle of cut parchment sheets that have been folded and stitched to form a section of a book prior to binding (also called a quire)
gesso : water based substance made of chalk or plaster of paris that is thickened with some type of glue and applied as the surface preparation for gilding
gilding : application of gold or silver leaf
gloss : a commentary or translation of manuscript text written between the lines of the text or in the margins of the text
gold leaf : gold beaten out into microscopically thin sheets and applied to manuscript illustration
gouache : a highly pigmented, opaque water based paint thickened with gum arabic, and/or honey
Goutte de Sang, Order of The : the An Tir Grant of Arms for excellence in Service
gradual : a book of music
Grant of Arms : the second level of armigerous award bestowed by The Crown which entitles the recipient to display their registered heraldic device as arms
Great Seal : a wax seal created by taking an impression from a Great Seal Matrix, and used on documents of record
Great Seal Matrix : the engraved object used to impress the design of the Great Seal into wax
Grey Goose Shaft, Order of The : the An Tir Grant of Arms for excellence in Archery
grisaille : in relation to manuscripts, miniatures or historiated initials, art executed in monochrome shades of grey
gules : in heraldic terms, this is the color “red”
gum arabic : a type of resin, water soluble, glossy and pigmentable used as a binder or thickener in inks and watercolors
hand : the distinctive features of the handwriting of an individual scribe
Hastae Leonis, Order of The : the An Tir Grant of Arms for excellence in Heavy Combat
hard point : a stylus made of metal or bone used to make lightly scored ruling lines on parchment for guiding the placement of text and sometimes used to inscribe the outlines of the drawing
Herald : an individual who studies and practices, book, voice and court heraldry
heraldic device : the image (emblazon) and the description (blazon) of personal heraldic arms
herbal : a heavily illustrated and descriptive reference book of plants and their medicinal properties
historiated initial : a decorated letter that begins a major division of text, containing a narrative scene that relates to the text
hymnal : a book containing hymns, arranged according to saint’s feast days and the liturgical calendar
illumination : the decoration of a manuscript with gold leaf. The term is used loosely, but not strictly correctly, to refer to any illustrated manuscript
illuminator : an artist who embellishes manuscripts
incipit : a heading indicating the beginning of a section of text
initial : a letter that begins a major division of text
indenture : a legal agreement in which the text is entered twice. The two halves a separated with a zigzag cut with one half given to each party in the agreement
ink : a weak, water soluble solution of carbon or an oak gall mixture used with quills and other pens to write letters
intitulation : the required phrase on an award document that states the titles and names of the Royalty, i.e., We, <name of Sovereign> by right of arms [King/Queen] of An Tir and <name of Consort> [King/Queen] An Tir…
iron gall ink : a brownish ink made from various formulations which included ferrous sulphate and oaks galls
Kingdom Scribe : the Greater Officer in the Kingdom of An Tir who has responsibility for scribal matters
knife : the tool used by a scribe to scrape mistakes from the parchment and cut or recut the nib of a quill. Often seen in portraits of scribes, being held in the left hand
lead point : a piece of lead alloy used for sketching, underdrawing, ruling pages or instructions to scribes
leaf : one page of a book
lectionary : a book of Biblical readings for the mass
letters close : private letters or informal letters sent in a closed form
letters patent : royal letters initiating legal action sent in open form and certified by the royal seal. In the SCA this is the document given to an individual, which records a peerage level achievement of arms Patent of arms
ligature : the joining of two separate letters into a single new form
majuscule : any script composed entirely of capital letters
manuscript : a document or book created entirely be hand
marginalia : things written or drawn in the page margins
matrices : the plural form of matrix
matrix : an engraved item used for impressing an image into wax
miniature : a stand-alone painting placed in a manuscript that is not part of the decorative initial or border. The words stems from the Latin word for red “minium” and does not refer to the size of the painting
minuscule : script composed of lower case letters
missal : a book containing the complete instructions, readings and music for the mass
notification and exposition : the required phrase on an award document that declares the deeds and name(s) of the recipient(s), i.e., having weighed well the remarkable works and labors of <name(s) of recipient(s)>…
O and A (oanda) : see Ordinary and Armory
oak gall : a hard growth on a young oak tree, produced as protection in the area where a gall moth laid it’s eggs. High in tannin, oak galls were picked before the new moth was mature and pulverized to be used as an ingredient in ink.
Or : in heraldic terms, this is the metal “gold”. Scribes often use the color “yellow” to depict this heraldic metal
Order of Precedence : The list of individuals sorted by the ranks of their awards
ordinal : book containing instructions for the conduct of services, but which did not contain the texts or prayers
Ordinary and Armory : this is the roll of registered names and arms of the SCA
Outline drawing : simple illuminations found in early manuscripts, where images are outlined in ink and then embellished with color tints
Ox Gall : a water soluble additive that makes water wetter
palimpsest : a manuscript that has been scraped of ink and then reused
papyrus : a writing support used for manuscripts, made from reed fibers that have been beaten together in layers
parchment : a writing support used for manuscripts, made from animal skins that have been treated and prepared to accept ink and paint. Also termed “vellum”, however vellum is made from the skin of a calf, while parchment is made from the fattier skin of a goat or a sheep
Patent of Arms : the third level of armigerous award bestowed by The Crown to Knights, Laurels and Pelicans, which entitles the recipient to display their registered heraldic device as arms
patent rolls : rolls in the English chancery where copies of letters patent were recorded
pen : a tool for writing to hold and channel ink
pecia : system of transcription of books in some universities, by which students hired master copies in sections to make their own transcripts
pendant seal : a seal adhered to a hanging ribbon or a strip of parchment that has been woven through slits in the document
pigment : usually a vegetable or mineral matter used as the coloring agent in paint
plummet : a “lead point” made of red lead
pontifical : book containing the text of services to be performed by the bishop
pounce : powdered bone, chalk or white ash for rubbing on parchment to raise the nap which would provide tooth for the quill
pricking : pin marks made on the parchment for use in ruling straight and true lines
primary source : the writings of an author contemporary with the period under study, or a first hand witness to events, or an original document from the period under study
Principal Herald : the Greater Officer in a Kingdom who has responsibility for scribal matters and for signing and sealing achievement scrolls
Principality Herald : the Greater Officer in a Principality who has responsibility for heraldic matters
Principality Scribe : the Greater Officer in a Principality who has responsibility for scribal matters
private charter : a legal document or grant of rights instigated by an individual rather than by royal or statutory authority
processional : book containing prayers, hymns and litany for use during processions around a church of feast days
proper : in heraldic terms, this is the normal heraldic color of a thing, but is not always the color found in nature
prymer : a book of hours that is used for learning to read
psalter : a book containing the “Book of Psalms” from the Bible often ornamented with a miniature of King David
purple pages : parchment that has been dyed or painted purple that has been ornamented with gold, silver or white lettering and/or illumination
purpure : in heraldic terms, this is the color “purple”
Pursuivant : a herald
quire : a bundle of parchment sheets, also called a gathering, that has been folded and stitched to form a section of a book prior to binding
rabbit hide glue : glue made from boiling bits of rabbit hide and used for adhering gold leaf to parchment
recto : the right hand page in a book or the front side of a single leaf
ritual : a book containing special ritualistic services
roll : a long narrow document, stored in rolled form
Roll of Arms : a collection of the emblazons (graphic representations) of registered personal arms
Royal Patent of Arms : the armigerous award bestowed by The Crown to Viscounties, Counties and Duchies, which entitles the recipient to display their registered heraldic device as arms
Royal Scribe : this scribe is in personal service to the Crown of An Tir and manages the award documents for Their Royal Court
rubric : a heading using red letters
rubricate the blazon : use red ink to write out the heraldic blazon
rubrication : the use of red lettering to distinguish titles and chapter headings
rubricator : the scribe who drew the rubric headings in a manuscript
ruling : the horizontal lines placed on parchment, which guided the straight and true placement of the text
Rule of Tincture : in creating a correctly designed heraldic device, the rule “Color may NOT be placed on Color and Metal may NOT be placed on Metal”
runes : an alphabet created in stick form for ease of carving and used in the early medieval period in Germanic societies
runestone : a commemorative stone carved with runes
sable : in heraldic terms, this is the color “black”
Sable Lion Throne : this is a term used to describe the Crowned heads of the Kingdom of An Tir
Sable Sable Herald : this is the heraldic title of the An Tir Kingdom Scribe, aka Sable Sable – Kingdom Scribe. The individual serving in this position may use Sable Sable as their byname while in office
sacramentary : a service book of the mass containing only the sections intoned by the celebrant priest
saga : a heroic tale that was originally passed down through oral tradition
salutation : in a medieval charter, a formal greeting to those to whom the charter is addressed
scribe : a person who writes text on a manuscript and may sometimes also be the illuminator and rubricator
script : the form of letters that a scribe uses as a model and distinguished by majuscule (uppercase) and i>miniscule (lowercase) letters and by formata (formal) and cursive (rapidly written)
scriptorium : the place where scribes gather to write and illuminate manuscripts
scriptoriolum : a personal and small writing room of an individual
scrivener : a person who transcribes manuscripts
scroll : in the Kingdom of An Tir, this is the document made to record an award, token or favor given to an individual
seal : a piece of wax with the impression of a device indicating its authenticating authority
shell gold : bits of finely ground gold that have been suspended in a binder to be used as paint on a manuscript
signet : the small personal seal of an individual
signet ring : an engraved ring used for impressing an image into wax
stylus : a pointed instrument for writing on a wax tablet
tabula : a display document made by attaching a sheet of parchment to a wooden board or frame
thorn : a character in the Old English alphabet that looks like a “y” and represents the sound th
underdrawing : the sketch laid down before ink or paint was applied
vellum : a writing support used for manuscripts, made from calf skins that have been treated and prepared to accept ink and paint. Also termed “parchment”, however parchment is made from the fattier skin of a goat or a sheep
vernacular : the writers native language as opposed to the Latin used in most medieval manuscript
verso : the left hand page in a book or the back side of a single leaf
vert : in heraldic terms, this is the color “green”
warrant : an internal document initiating an action or legal process
wen or wyn : a character in the Old English alphabet that looks like a narrow “p” and represents the sound w
writ : a document bestowing privilege or issuing a command
yogh : a character in the Old English alphabet that looks like a “z” and represents the sound y or g
zoomorphic initial : a decorated letter that begins a major division of text, containing a real or imaginary animals